
Updating Your ZZZZZ’s

Two current research studies shed new light on the importance of having consistent bedtimes for kids and the long-term impact, or lack of impact, of letting a baby “cry it out”. CONSISTENT BEDTIMES FOR KIDS MATTER New research suggests that the consistency of a child’s bedtime may be just as important for their long-term cognitive …

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Reframe Your Game

The beliefs we hold about our children are powerful. They influence how we interact and treat our children and ultimately shape how our children develop and think about themselves. Sometimes our beliefs can be helpful and empowering. Other times they can be unhelpful and limiting. If we notice ourselves holding a negative belief about our …

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Tween & Teen Materiali$m

Many parents share frustration over watching their tweens and teens develop into insatiable consumers, forever wanting the latest gadgets and clothes. Not only is it costly and frustrating to say no over and over, but it’s also concerning to parents that their adolescents are developing the wrong values. There are two important aspects to consider. …

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Defense Mechanisms

Now before you go and get all defensive, just know that defense mechanism are normal. We all have them. They are a response to an uncomfortable situation, thought, feeling, and/or behavior and sometimes can even be a healthy response. Sometimes though, defense mechanisms can get in the way, especially if we over rely on them. …

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De-Clutter to De-Stress

Researchers at UCLA’s Center on Everyday Lives of Families (CELF) recently produced a fascinating book that studies 32 Los Angeles, middle-class, dual-income households. The takeaway from the study is no surprise, that American families have too much stuff. What was surprising was too much stuff increased the mothers stress level and/or depressed her mood. The …

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Misplaced Adult Attention

There are lots of reasons for problem behavior in children and just as many interventions. Several studies have focused on “misplaced adult attention” as both a cause of misbehavior and as a way to stop it. Basically, what we focus on as parents thrives in our children. Focus on their good behavior and we’ll see …

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