Want to play a drinking game? Nope, not that kind, one that highlights four new research studies that shed light on teenage drinking. We will even start off with a hint. According to research, parents don’t influence if their teen tries alcohol, but parents do have an influence over how their teen uses alcohol. QUESTION …
Category: Newsletter
How Parent Conflict Can Impact Kids
Why are some children negatively affected by parental conflict while other children seem to escape with few significant problems? A 2013 research study sheds light on this question. Researchers found that how children understand, interpret and perceive the conflict between their parents impacts them emotionally and behaviorally. Children who blame themselves for the conflict, even …
Come on Parents, Are We Happy or Not?
Since 85% of Americans become parents it’s about time we had an answer. Are parents or non-parents happier? The answer is, wait for it, drum roll…it depends. Sorry for the let down, but just like parenting there is no one size fits all answer, instead it depends on a multitude of factors. Studies abound on …
Problem? Nope Not Me.
Okay, we are going to blow your mind, in a parenting kind of way. What if the next time your kid does something wrong, they aren’t the problem. What if the problem is the problem and your kid, well they are just affected by it. Crazy huh, but this type of thinking comes from a …
Roughly 1 baby out of every 5, under the age of 6 months in the US, now suffers from plagiocephaly, meaning an abnormal head shape. Treatment for this condition is time consuming, expensive and often fraught with confusion for parents because of having to sort through conflicting information. The aim of this article is to …
Making the Transition
Transitions are a part of your child’s daily life. Some are small and routine, like waking up or coming to a meal. Others are big and novel, like going to a new school or traveling. Each child is affected by transitions in a different way. For example, some children have an easy time saying goodbye …
Household Chores – The Younger the Better
Most parents can agree that having kids do household chores is a good thing, but the reality is that most American kids today do very few and children as young as 3 and 4 are not generally expected to do any. If you have young children and this sounds like your home, read on, because …
Open and Close
With all the advice out there for parents isn’t any of it super duper easy and simple? Why yes, yes it is. Learn to ask your kids both open ended questions and close ended questions. Close ended questions are those that encourage short or one-word answers. For example, “How was school?” or “What do you …
It Takes Grit (and Self-Control)
Want your kids to be successful? Well, it takes grit and self-control says an emerging body of psychological research that looks at “non-cognitive” skills and traits (in other words, not IQ). Research also shows that grit and self-control are more important than talent in measuring successful outcomes. Self-control is the ability to control one’s emotional …
Thinking About Thinking
We all know that people have different ways of processing information and solving problems. The way we think about things impacts how we deal with them. One important way to categorize our thinking style is by understanding “convergent” and “divergent” thinking. Knowing the difference between these two styles also provides insight into how young children …