
Tame That Shame

When a child misbehaves, ideally we should use that moment to teach a thoughtful and constructive lesson, but reality can be different. Especially when we are stressed, overwhelmed or tired. Sometimes a quick verbal reprimand is a lot easier and more convenient. If we are not watching our tone or words, our message can be …

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Pessimist vs Optimist

Being an optimist, and modeling that behavior for our children has a myriad of positive effects. Not only do optimists tend to have less stress, anxiety, and depression, but they are also luckier! That’s right, a study found that optimists are more open to opportunities and interactions and therefore encounter more situations that appear to …

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In Defense of Teenagers

Yes. That’s right. We are defending teenagers. Well, actually, just for a few key traits like being irrational, self-focused, resisting reasonable bedtimes and their desire to experiment. Now we know that these traits can drive parents nuts, but what are we supposed to do when research has discovered a biological basis for them? TEEN BRAINS …

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Messing up as a person and as a parent is normal. In fact, it’s a given that there will be times we lose our patience, miss our child’s cues, fail to pick them up on time, and so much more! Even though we may know that messing up is normal, we often feel terrible about …

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